Warning: Christmas plants could poison your cat or dog

Festive flora might be making your home feel more Christmassy - but they could be bad news for your pets.

While merry mistletoe, a twinkling pine and ruby red poinsettia will ensure that festive feeling, they’re among several seasonal plants and trees that can be poisonous to cats and dogs.

In fact, more than three-quarters (78%) of British homes contain plants that are toxic to cats and dogs.

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With such a large number containing toxic plants it’s perhaps no surprise that almost 10% of cats and dogs have fallen ill after ingesting the dangerous plant life.

Of those, 43% subsequently needed urgent veterinary care, while 15% died.

Popular Christmas plants that can be dangerous to pets include:

Poinsettia: mildly toxic to cats and dogs. Can cause vomiting or poorly tummy

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Amaryllis: mild to moderate toxicity. Can cause vomiting, poorly tummy, hypotension

Hyacinth: mildly toxic to cats and dogs. Can cause vomiting or poorly tummy

Mistletoe: mild to moderate toxicity. In small doses can result in mild signs of gastrointestinal irritation (e.g., drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain). When ingested in large amounts, abnormal heart rate, collapse, hypotension (low blood pressure), ataxia (walking drunk), seizures and death have also been reported.

Holly: Mild to moderate toxicity. Can cause drooling, vomiting and gastrointestinal upset

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