The spirit of Wendy lives on

A TREE has been transformed into a work of art in memory of a well-loved Leamington woman.

Wendy Jackson, who had worked at the Spa Centre for almost nine years, died at the age of 52 on January 13 after suffering a heart attack.

Her friends and colleagues wanted to create something by which they could remember her and celebrate her life.

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Philippa Sheasby, finance officer at Warwick District Council, had been friends with Mrs Jackson for 30 years and took up a job at the Spa Centre bar to work alongside her.

She said: “We are trying to epitomise her life in a sculpture. The ‘Spirit of Wendy’ encompasses memories that we will always attribute to Wendy - her unfailing spirit, fun lovely attitude, dedication to friends and her beloved cat.”

Mrs Sheasby and others contributed funds towards commissining Birmingham-based wood sculptor Graham Jones to transform the stump of a cedar tree outside the Spa Centre that had been cut down and offered for use by the theatre’s manager at the time, Antony Flint.

Publicity officer Jo Lewis said: “Friends and co-workers very much wanted to physically mark the celebration of her life.

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