Plenty of thinking time during lockdown helped a Kenilworth author write her third novel

Author Sheila Storey's new novel is called "A Thread of Spirits". Photo suppliedAuthor Sheila Storey's new novel is called "A Thread of Spirits". Photo supplied
Author Sheila Storey's new novel is called "A Thread of Spirits". Photo supplied
The book is available at Kenilworth Books and is also on Amazon

Kenilworth author Sheila Storey is celebrating the release of her third novel, titled "A Thread of Spirits".

She said the word "spirits" has the double meaning of alcohol and angels.

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Speaking about her book she said: "I was on my own during the various lockdowns and the characters in the novel became more true to me than real people and so they kept me company."

The book is based on two angels who take on human form in order to join the “Earth Sciences” department of a British university in an attempt to guide the researchers into halting and reversing climate change.

'A Thread of Spirits' is available at Kenilworth Book and is also on Amazon.